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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79

Engineering services

Kronstadt Ltd. specializes in providing engineering services in the sphere of industrial plants modernization. During the development of engineering projects, the company approaches to its customers individually and invites different specialists and consultants to participate.

Business relationships with world-leading industrial factories allow us to improve technologies, modernize the equipment, find efficient solutions, and achieve best economic indicators.

The activity base for Kronstadt Ltd. is the complex approach to designing new and modernizing current industrial facilities, which involves developing effective technologies, applying up-to-date engineering solutions, and using high-tech equipment with perfect cost/performance ratio.

Our company manages every stage of order process:

• Design and production of equipment based on customer's specification
• Quality control
• Integrated equipment supply
• Providing all necessary documents
• Maintenance service.

We deliver engineering services for designing industrial projects, perform selection, and supply the following types of equipment:

• Pumping equipment
• Piping accessories
• Bellow expansion joints
• Heat-exchange equipment
• Heating tools and equipment.

Close cooperation of the 'Kronstadt' company with different design institutes and installation contractors, enables us to implement most actual know-how in the world and carry out engineering projects ready-made. In order to expand its engineering opportunities the company has obtained the membership certificate of the self-regulated organization “Admission to particular works affecting safety and security of capital construction projects”.

The quality management system of Kronstadt Ltd is ISO 9001:2000-certified.The quality management system of Kronstadt Ltd is ISO 9001:2008-certified.

Any more questions?

Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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