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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79
Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 441-29-99

Equipment delivery for Yaroslavskiy shipbuilding plant is in progress.


In Spring, 2021 specialists of ship department of Kronshtadt company performed delivery of pumping equipment for the fourth hull within a series of sea towboats (project 23470) under construction at Yaroslavskiy shipbuilding plant. Ship with serial number 413 is named Captain Sergeev.

Main task for ships of project 23470 will be performance of sea towing of vessels and hydraulic works at open waters and on the ice that is ensured by ice class of reinforcements ARC4.

However, besides the main function, towboats will be able to perform a range of specific tasks, such as performance of series of actions within oil spill response, extinguishing fires at ships, hydro-technical and water objects, and at shore units and other accompanying operations.

Cooperation of Kronshtadt Company and Yaroslavskiy shipbuilding plant within the project 323470 lasts since 2016, when the lead ship towboat Sergey Balk was launched.

Within this period of cooperation, a wide range of equipment was supplied for ships with serial numbers 410-413:

  • Ballast-bilge pump

  • Domestic water pumps

  • Sewage water pumps

  • Firefighting pumps

  • Pumps for cooling system of refrigerating plant distillers 

  • Sea water pumps (ejector units)

  • Set of pumps for general power unit;

  • Deck equipment – chain stoppers for anchor equipment;

  • Armed pneumatic fenders;

  • Accessories;

Besides the abovementioned equipment for the ships of 23470 project were also delivered external firefighting systems using foam, able to operate both in automated and manual mode and equipped with electronic control and management system of all processes within operation.

Any more questions?

Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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