Kronstadt company at the Neva 2019 exhibition
Dear colleagues and partners! One of the most important events in the shipbuilding industry is closing in. We welcome you to our showcase at the Neva 2019 International exhibition.
Kronstadt is committed to its principle of explicit and embracive demonstration of equipment and technologies at any expo shows. That's why it always tries to make its showcases full of not just replicas or models, but of actual shipboard equipment examples able to demonstrate their operation, if possible indoors.
This year's NEVA exhibition won't be an exception, with Kronstadt showing equipment of its long-term reliable partners:
- MELCAL marine cranes represented with a life-sized FL50T8 knuckle boom crane weighing more than 6 tons.
- Luminell searchlights represented with a real model fitted with infrared camera transmitting the picture to a display.
- HamiltonJet waterjets represented with an interactive model giving the visitors a chance to test their skills in navigating speedy vessels.
- DELITEK's wide range of equipment represented with an actual ship trash compactor.
- DESMI pumps represented with a full-scale model of a pump exposing some of its internal components.
Kronstadt specialists constantly explore the market looking for modern marine equipment to introduce to the Russian shipbuilding industry.
This year, some new equipment is represented with:
- fire-fighting systems by YANING MARINE
- anodic and cathodic corrosion protection by MME
- marine pumps by MARFLEX
- water heaters and hydrophores by TrueTech
- and many others
As a permanent exhibitor of the show, Kronstadt company greatly appreciates the work the show organizers put into it. The show's large contribution to the Russian shipbuilding cannot be overrated. Each exhibition brings our company new contacts, partners, and clients, which in the long run results in interesting and prospective projects.
This year's special program is "Russian-Korean equipment supplier Day", which our company and its Korean partners will definitely take active part in. This strengthening of relations with South Korean manufacturers is mostly due to the current international situation and increasing demand of the Russian market for products and technologies by Asian countries. So both our new suppliers (FluTek and A Rim) and long-term partners (PANASIA) from South Korea, with assistance of Kronstadt, will prepare a special participation program for the expo activities.
Kronstadt company has been operating on the Russian market of industrial and marine equipment supplies since 1998. Our mission is to contribute to modernization of industrial facilities in Russia and CIS by providing them with state-of-the-art and high-quality equipment.
Kronstadt has its own representative offices in Germany (KRONSTADT GmbH, Hamburg), USA (KRON Energy, Houston), and South Korea (Busan). Many years of experience and upgraded resources allow our company to successfully carry out supply projects for industries such as:
- shipbuilding and repair;
- fuel and energy;
- oil and gas;
- chemical plants;
- metallurgy;
- construction;
- food production.