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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79
Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 441-29-99



In 2017, Kronstadt Engineering Company carried out the supply of two air-cooling units produced by Kelvion GmbH for OJSC Mazyr Oil Refinery (Belarus).

Following the mid-summer order by the general director of the refinery on regular repair and technical maintenance of engineering systems, the workers started repairing more than thirty technological objects and communication systems at the plant.

According to the refinery's media service, the current repair is not simply overhaul, it is global, and considering the amount of simultaneous repair operations, it can be compared to a total reconstruction.

Factory's specialists along with contractors have elaborated detailed plans and schedules of individual construction and installation works to be strictly adhered to, so the plant could return into full operation on time.



Timely supplies of necessary equipment is absolutely essential to follow such tight schedules, and the specialists at Mazyr did the right thing to choose Kronstadt Engineering Company as one of the suppliers, having shown their trust and appreciation to our engineering and logistics departments.

The two air-cooling units supplied to the refinery are designed to operate in the stabilizing hog stills of hydrocarbons cooling system.

Our long-term and reliable business partner, Kelvion GmbH, specializes in heat-exchanging and energy-saving technologies. The company is a renowned leader in production of brazed plate, shell-and-tube, and application-specific heat exchangers, as well as of high-quality air-cooling units.

To learn more about this project or to consult on the industrial equipment offered by Kronstadt Engineering Company, call our oil-and-gas specialists tel. +7 (812) 441-29-99

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Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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