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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79
Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 441-29-99

Equipment for ice-resistant platform Syevyernyiy Polyus


Designed by bureau Vympyel with cooperation of Rosgidromet and Institute of Arctic and Antarctic, this ice-resistant self-propelling platform is a unique project of both Russian and worldwide shipbuilding.

The newest vessel is going to replace drifting polar stations, becoming cozy home, modern science lab, and transport for Arctic engineers who carry out complex year-round scientific research in the region.

Being highly autonomous, the platform will ensure normal working and living conditions for the crew and scientists for 2 years of drifting.

The project official number is 00903, and marine department of Kronstadt has already offered several technical solutions for it. For instance, they designed a special modular snow and ice melting unit to obtain fresh water.

The Russian manufactured unit has thermal capacity of 290 kW and is able to produce minimum of five m3/day of potable water, in full compliance with applicable hygienic and sanitary standards.

The arctic design of the unit meets GOST 15150-69 requirements for operation in boreal climate outdoors, with temperatures down to -50 °C.

The snowmelter has two process circuits: one for snow melting and one for water preparation, placed in separate compartments of the unit. Each compartment has illumination, sockets, and thermal insulated doors. The snow-melting compartment also has two additional entries for loading snow, and its floor naturally has anti-slip mats and necessary drainage.

Earlier for project 00903, Kronstadt supplied a waste compactor DT200MCP and a glass grinder DT200GCP, both made by Delitek, Norway.

After its commissioning, the ice-resistant platform will definitely bring new level of comfort to the crew and increase their performance as well. And all the equipment supplied by Kronstadt will no doubt greatly contribute to that.

Any more questions?

Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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