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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79
Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 441-29-99

Bilge water separators sent to Nizhniy Novgorod


The equipment for separation of oily waters has been supplied to a sea tanker project at one of the shipyards in Nizhniy Novgorod.

Kronstadt logistics department shipped two units of oily water separators to the customer – a shipyard in Nizhniy Novgorod.

Bilge water separators by DVZ-SERVICES and Recovered Energy were carefully chosen by specialists of our company's marine department in accordance with the technical requirements for the project as provided by customer's designers and engineers.

Newest version of the fine oily water separator DVZ-FSU complies with the highest applicable quality standards and represents more than 25 years of experience its manufacturer has in designing and producing of such equipment.

Despite its high capacity of 1'000 L/h, this model's fine separation process ensures oil content of less than 15 ppm in the treated water. This limit is continuously monitored and registered with an oil content meter fitted inside the separator.

Such automatization processes as jet oil discharge and self-cleaning of the coalescer are standard functions of the DVZ-FSU.

Oily water separation system BOSS-107 made by Recovered Energy consists of a separator itself, post-separation treatment unit, and a TPH level monitor.

This device has a larger capacity of 2'500 L/h at an operating pressure of 1 bar, with max test pressure of 3.8 bars. Just like the DVZ-FSU separator, BOSS-107 system guarantees oil content in the treated water to be less than 15 ppm.

Both separators in the shipment comply with MEPC.107(49) requirements to prevent contamination from bilgeways of marine ship engine rooms.

As usual, any additional info on this or other supply projects is available from Kronstadt's marine department specialists.

Any more questions?

Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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