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Kronstadt Engeneering Company, LLC
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+7 (812) 441-29-99
+7 (495) 974-31-79
Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 441-29-99

40 sets of berth fenders sent to Novorossiysk


The equipment by Yantai Taihong has been supplied to the Novorossiysk port by our company's specialists.

Kronstadt keeps carrying out equipment supplies for ongoing project of upgrading port facilities in the city of Novorossiysk.

Earlier for his project, our specialists selected and supplied 36 items of bollards with different load parameters. Another step was this supply of 33 pneumatic, 2 angular, 4 arch, and 1 cone fenders.

Since 1983, Yantai Taihong has been manufacturing port and shipside fenders achieving and ensuring highest possible performance for their products.

For several decades now, pneumatic breasting floats, as well as arch and cone fenders by Yantai Taihong have been in use at cargo and passenger ports around the world, guaranteeing safe berthing of ferries, container ships, tankers, cruise liners, and many other vessel types.

Apart from the fenders themselves, the supply included special fastener kits: brackets, anchor studs, shackles, all made of high-quality HDG steel.

When manufacturing the chain, bracket, and the swivel shackle, the elements are mandatorily hot-dip galvanized to protect them from corrosion. The fenders themselves are usually produced from vulcanized or synthetic rubber, depending on the customer's choice.

It is important to note that of all port safety equipment pneumatic fenders are the most versatile solution as they're easy to move and install, their reaction is low while the impact absorption is high, and they're ready for use in low and high tides.

Any more questions?

Our experts will advise you!

+7 (812) 441-29-99

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